Inspired ideas realized

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think,
according to the power that works in us.”

Ephesians 3:20

software engineering, cybersecurity, publishing

Some say the true definition of “magic” is transforming the force of will, desire, or inspiration into tangible reality.  Perhaps that is a good definition of the magical (perhaps “miraculous” is a better word) things we do at Genidyne.

It all starts with an idea.

Then, with a little nurturing and skilled care, that idea begins to take shape into a visualized vehicle designed to bring that inspiration into functional existence; and with the right touch of expertise, we turn it into a commercially-viable market offering.  This is what we do.


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Robert Gelinas

Chief executive officer (CEO)


  • 15+ Years in Software Engineering
  • 10+ Years in Cybersecurity
  • 5+ Years in Managed Services Providers (MSP & MSSP)
  • 16+ Years in Book Publishing


Barnes & Noble Book Signing
Naples, FL

Bob Gelinas has been in the software startup world since the late 1990’s with many successful startup and early-stage ventures under his belt.

He has served multiple times in several organizations as a CEO, CRO, and VP of Sales and Marketing for over 20 years.

His primary focus has been on crafting and executing sales and marketing strategies in the Information Technology world leading to multi-million dollar exit events.  But that’s just one facet of Bob.



He is also a professional musician, and an 8-times published author/novelist.  He’s personally edited and published over 100 original titles from over 50+ aspiring authors.

He’s a decorated Veteran of the United States Air Force, a Bible scholar, and actively involved in his local church.

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Other Books Available
by Robert Gelinas

The Mustard Seed

The Magician’s Guide

Touch of a Stranger

A Call to Battle

A Call to Battle (Sample)